Friday, December 2, 2011

The Lying Monkey

There once was a group of monkeys, who all lived on a very small island. The monkeys were beginning  to outgrow this island, so they decided to vote for two leaders to find them a new home. They elected to biggest monkey named Sal and the smartest monkey named Steve. Sal and Steve seemed like the perfect team to find the monkeys a new home. The leaders set out on a search for that ideal place. As they sailed along in the sea Steve asked Sal if he had ever been off the island before because he seemed really scared for being such a big, strong, tough monkey.

Sal replied, "Well yes of course! I have been to the farthest waters and the scariest jungles. I once fought off a huge lion on the main land."

"Good I thought we were both going to being inexperienced on this journey. That makes me feel a lot safer that you've been to some of these places before, OH! Look! there's an island over there. its seems much larger than what we are living on now. Should we go check it out?"

"Uh. o-o-oh okay sure if you really want to."

Steve smiled and said, "Alright lets go."

As the monkeys docked their small boat and hopped off onto the island, they heard a loud sound. Sal hesitated to continue walking.

"Oh, come on it's probably nothing," Steve said feeling less and less safe under the protection of Sal.

They got deeper in to the forests and the sound became a distint roar, a roar of a lion. Steve was surre that the lion would do them no harm as long as he stayed behind Sal. Sal hoped that they wouldn't come in contact with the lion.

He spoke to soon, minutes later their was the lion, just feet away from them.

"Come on Sal!! Beat him up! He's going to eat us for lunch!!"

"About that... Steve, I have a confession..."

All Steve could do was give him a look of dissapointment and fear.

Sal continued, "I never have once fought a lion, neither have I ever been off of our island. I'm sorry."

Steve couldnt even reply, the lion pounced on him and Sal with great force. They were both killed and eaten. Their story is told to show that lying is never a good thing. it'll get you no where in life, it will only dig you a deeper whole everytime.

Monday, November 7, 2011

John's Declaration

Society has taught us that soma and erotic play are the ways of life. They have us oblivious to reality. To what do we benefit from erotic play? Nothing quite honestly, we can't even reproduce from it. The majority of our population is made in factories. No mothers, no fathers no families. Many years ago children weren't supposed to participate in erotic play until they were of age and when they were allowed to do it they were only involved with one or two people in their lives, crazy I know, but I believe that we should re-adopt this concept of "waiting" to be a certian age.

We use soma to fill-in our free time. In the past people used their free time writing, reading, getting married and spending time with their family. Yes, believe it or not people actually committed themselves to one person and they spend the rest of their lives with them, and only them. They would still have their problems but they'd somehow get the issue resolved and things would go back as they were. Soma is a waste of valuable time. A waste of precious moments. A waste of present day. Wouldn't you much rather spend extra time doing things that are different and more exciting instead of just being in a soma holiday all the time? We should all have the opportunity to experience the love of just one person, not whatever we have with everyone on the block. I want to be Romeo and find my Juliet. I want the relationship that society doesn't want us to have. I want Lenina to understand what I want.

People think that I'm crazy, but I'm just trying to help the people see what I'm seeing and realize what society is hiding from us and what crazy things they make us do, no one even realizes these things because they were raised to believe that erotic play and soma are normal things that everyone does. I think that it's wrong that society makes us believe that sleeping around and going on a holiday is the right thing to do.

I declare myself free from society and its dictating ways of life. I want to get to know my darling Lenina, not only physically, I want to get to know her as an individual, as a wife, not just a hook up. It is society's fault that people can't have serious, personal relationships, any relationship for that matter. It's as if we are taught to have no emotions or feelings at all. Living in a society where there is no emotion and no love, is not a fun place to live. Its not fair that we are deprived of true freedom.